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Anarchists banding together with the SFPD hovering and keeping a watchful eye over them the entire march. Usually wearing all black with their faces covered, they are the source of petty vandalism that plague protest marches. They weren’t happy that I was taking a photograph of them, especially so up close so I backed off a bit.

Leica M6 and Arista Premium 100 at 400 iso.

6 comments to “Anarchists”

  1. Cowards are always displeased to be photographed.

  2. They look too organized to be anarchists. 🙂
    Nicely framed.

  3. Then there are the bigger cowards who never served a day in our military and then advocated and brought us a war we didn’t need to fight.

    Mindy…thanks. Yeah they were organized, they would stop on a dime, hold the parade and then suddenly run to catch up to the parade – all in unison.

  4. You know, without the caption, this very universal photograph could be any other group of brotherhood (or sisterhood for that matter). It’s always interesting with the additional info of the caption.

  5. Ha, was just going to say what Reesie said…

    >>> Then there are the bigger cowards who never served a day in our military and then advocated and brought us a war we didn’t need to fight.

    Yup… Chickenhawks, with no qualms about sending others off to fight and die…

  6. I thought I’d learn what the heck an anarchist is by checking Wiki, but no dice. Apparently they are many things to many people:

    I would never have checked if not for your intriguing photo, though.

    John Wall

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