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Served with Pride

Served with Pride

Manong Nestor Palma at a recent anti-immigration protest in San Francisco.

I’m pissed.

Actually I’m livid with anger that Filipino World War II Veterans are still out in the streets protesting for something they should have received 50+ years ago. The endless delays, stalling tactics and blame game will never end for these veterans. On June 5th, veterans were again denied their benefits when the United States Government required them to prove eligibility with records that no longer exist. Imagine that.

They are slowly dying and my fear is that this is their plan.

There has to be another way to prove their eligibility as I do understand the need for oversight. I’m calling out President Obama, Democrats, Republicans and all citizens in this horrific injustice. It’s a travesty and if you care for our veterans you should be livid as well. Please contact President Obama, your local, state and federal leaders to put more pressure on them to solve this.

Leica Minilux with Kodak Pro 100 color film.

one comment to “Served with Pride”

  1. Kodak Pro 100 was my favourite. After half year I decided to stop and change my colour negative film for Fuji X-TRA 400.


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