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Iwate as a Boy

Iwate as a Boy

From the adult photos that I’ve seen of Mr. Iwate this is him as a boy. Most likely taken in Japan from what I can see from the background.

From the photography collection of Tatsume Iwate. Scanned directly from a black & white negative. Camera, film and photographer unknown.

one comment to “Iwate as a Boy”

  1. I wish I retained my contact with his sister, Helen, a lovely woman who lives in Cabrillo. The stories she tells, as I remembered, over a fresh sashimi bought from Princeton, Half Moon Bay, at a crack of dawn and teriyaki chicken she prepares and not to mention 2 bottles of hot sake — the joy of seeing an old woman so loquacious. Stories dated back when they lived in Winters, CA, about their experiences during the ‘camp’ and their farm. Perhaps, one of this days, stories could continue.


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