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Hands Clasped Alone in His Thoughts

Hands Clasped Alone in His Thoughts

Betty and I ventured over to the de Young Museum for the Vivienne Westwood Exhibit. I had no idea that she was the inspiration for punk fashion in the 70’s & 80’s. That period is still so vivid in my life because that’s the period I grew up in. I was the antithesis of punk as I was a Mod in my teen years. To this day I’m still a Mod and will always will be. I was talking a bit about my Mod days with my brother Alex and I mentioned that once you’re a Mod, you’re always a Mod. Alex smiled.

This brings me to what inspires me to photograph recently and Chinatown in particular. Other than being in close proximity to Chinatown, one inspiration was the show Western Exposures: Shomei Tomatsu and Postwar Japan which was recently at SFMOMA. There were several photographs in the show that I liked but on in particular that I’ll always was Card Game, Zushi, Kanagawa. Can you see why this motivated me to photograph in Chinatown? It’s Portsmouth Square…not that they’ll ever let me photograph them.

This photograph was shot in Union Square with my Canonet QL17 GIII as I was walking.

March 25th, 2007